Database Error Server Address: localhost Server Username: USER427675_stats Error Diagnostic: Bad query. Server Error: (1055) Expression #5 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'db_427675_2.hlstats_Actions.reward_player' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by Last SQL Query: SELECT hlstats_Events_PlayerActions.playerId, hlstats_Players.lastName AS playerName, hlstats_Players.flag as flag, COUNT( AS obj_count, COUNT( * hlstats_Actions.reward_player AS obj_bonus FROM hlstats_Events_PlayerActions, hlstats_Players, hlstats_Actions WHERE hlstats_Actions.code = 'Begin_Bomb_Defuse_Without_Kit' AND = 'css' AND hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_Events_PlayerActions.playerId AND hlstats_Events_PlayerActions.actionId = AND hlstats_Players.hideranking = '0' GROUP BY hlstats_Events_PlayerActions.playerId ORDER BY obj_count desc, playerName desc LIMIT 0,40 |